Fire Service Issues

Maine EMS Sustainability Program

Maine Fire Chiefs Association opposes the Chapter 27 -Implementation of EMS Sustainability Program as currently proposed. The proposed use of the funds does not meet the intent of the Legislation. The distribution of funds disburses 33% of the two-year total to non-emergency entities. Under the Chapter 27 proposal there is no oversight or process included for Maine EMS-licensed Training Centers and Regional Councils.

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OSHA’s New Proposed Emergency Response Rule

These are some resources that have been shared by the MFCA regarding the 2024 OSHA updates.

July 9, 2024 webinar on OSHA Emergency Response Rule
Maine Fire Chiefs’ Association Comments on the proposed changes to the Fire Brigade Standard 1910.156
OSHA Emergency Response 1910.156 proposed rule info
Standards Referenced in OSHA Proposed Rule 29 CFR 1910.156 1-31-24
BLS Greely presentation 6-25-2024
OSHA 1910.156 letter from Maryland Fire Service 062024
OSHSPA Letter – Proposed OSHA Emergency Response Standard 6-5-24

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2024 Legislative Breakfast: The Overwhelming Emergency in Emergency Services

WHEN: February 15, 2024 7:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: Senator Inn & Spa – Augusta, Maine

Please join us for an informal breakfast on February 15. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss and provide you with information on key issues.

Our desire is to continue to work together to provide services that protect the citizens of Maine, all of which can be achieved by sound management and by continuing to provide skilled firefighters through training and education.

Co-sponsored by the Maine Fire Chiefs’ Association, Maine Fire Protection Services Commission, Maine State Federation of Fire Fighters Association, Professional Fire Fighters of Maine, and Maine Building Officials Inspectors Association.

There is no charge for this event. To RSVP, please register. In order to ensure your complete participation, please inform us of any special accommodations you may require.

EMS Reimbursement Rates from CMS and MaineCare

Medicare and MaineCare are the primary insurance for the vast majority of patients transported by Maine’s EMS services. The current reimbursement rates are a fraction of the actual cost of providing those services. That shortfall in revenue negatively impacts the EMS service’s ability to pay competitive and reasonable wages to their highly-skilled advanced licensed personnel, which is one of the key challenges for both recruitment and retention. We need the support of our congressional delegation to lobby for increases in the CMS rates, and for corresponding increases in MaineCare reimbursement rates for the lifesaving service we provide.

Provide State Financial Support for the Maine Fire Marshal’s Office

$100,000 is needed to continue the ongoing recruitment and retention work being conducted by Hancock County in cooperation with the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine, to include:

  • A statewide study to accurately document the current state of Maine’s fire and EMS response capabilities;
  • Establishment of a firefighter registration database documenting individuals, their capabilities, certifications, identifying the community (and in many cases, multiple communities) where each individual firefighter works;
  • A final report that would provide essential data and recommendations for future solutions to these pressing issues.

Support the Maine Fire Service Institute

An annual $250,000 state budget allocation to provide additional resources for firefighter training across the State of Maine to expand training opportunities, and help offset some of the costs to local municipalities of providing that basic and required training.

Support the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission’s Live Fire Training Facility Grant Program

An appropriation of $1,000,000 each year, for the next five years, to adequately fund the existing competitive grant program to repair, replace, and build new live fire training facilities for all departments (large, small, career and volunteer) within a reasonable travel distance.

Funding for the Existing Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP)

Provide $2,500,000 in funding that was previously established in state law to help communities create an incentive for recruitment and recruitment and retention. Consideration should also be given to fund other initiatives that may help including:

  • A statewide advertising campaign to attract and retain firefighters and EMS providers;
  • Property and state tax incentives for first responders;
  • Health insurance coverage opportunities for part-time and volunteer first responders.

Continue to Invest in the Maine Community College System on Workforce Development Initiatives with Fire and EMS Services

  • Provide scholarships for students attending fire science and EMS programs;
  • Develop a condensed/streamlined certificate-level Basic EMT to Paramedic bridge program to increase the number of paramedics licensed each year in a shorter, more efficient timeframe that is conducive to those working a normal first responder shift schedule.